Monday, March 2, 2009


Written by Brandon Mull
My family has loved these books. My Husband and I have read them, and our 3rd grader has read them each 3 times! I'm highlighting this series because the 4th book is coming out in April!
A breif review from Amazon:
Kendra and Seth Sorenson are the grandchildren of the caretakers of Fablehaven preserve, one of the few places left on earth where magical creatures can live on in an increasingly skeptical world. The trouble is, not all magical creatures are nice. In fact, some of them are downright evil. All the worst ones have been locked away in a magical prison, and if they ever get out, the world as we know it is basically over.

Mull creates a world where the stakes are high, danger is real, and almost everyone is under suspicion. His book has an endless parade of fascinating magical creatures, each with their own habits and personality. Fablehaven 3 contains Mull's best paced plot so far, with lots of adventures (including a visit to a preserve on a reservation in Arizona), an intense action climax, and an ending that leaves the reader eager for the next book.

I also really enjoyed Mull's book, The Candy Shop War!


Emily said...

You know I really love these books too. I can't wait for #4!

Annie said...

Joe's been counting down until March 24th. He's got his money all ready to purchase book #4!